This photograph of St Thomas, Burnsville, NC is an example of a modified HDR (High Dynamic Range) technique that seems to be the rage in digital photography editing.
This photo consists of six stills taken on a tripod that are -2,0,+2 and -1,0,+1 exposures where the 0-snap is the correct exposure and the - and + exposures represents 2-stops above and below and the 1-stop represents 1-stop above and below the correct exposure.
The six photos are processed in Photomatix 3.0 to blend all six photos to produce the final HDR rendering.
To add additional punch the resulting HDR rendering was called up into Photoshop CS4 and a copy was added (Ctrl-J). The blend mode was then changed to Vivid Light. The resulting image is loved by about 80% of the population and dispised by the remaining 20%. Those that dispise should seek viewing the web in other places.
I just love the image!!
Albert’s lost secret revealed. What is the one thing that can travel faster
than light?
The time has come, as the Walrus never said, to think of many things: of
light and life and quantum cats, of planets and their rings and why the sun
can ...
17 years ago
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